“The Bluegem team submitted the most successful of all proposals demonstrating clear understanding of the Business requirements, the technical capacity to achieve our objectives and a product fit for purpose.” (March 2014)
“Bluegem has been the most successful implementation of any project undertaken by the department to date.“ (July 2015)
Project Manager, Victorian Government agency
Following the deadly Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria in 2009, a Royal Commission was held to investigate the causes and make recommendations for improvements.
One of the key recommendations was to invest in training and to implement a new training management system. The tender for the Training Management System (TMS) was awarded to Bluegem in March 2014. Bluegem delivered the requirements of the system by October 2014 and continues to actively, maintaining and supporting the system.
The department is registered as an Enterprise RTO under the Victorian Registration & Qualification Authority (VRQA) and submits AVETMISS reports via Skills Victoria (SVTS). The department delivers, assesses and validates competencies leading to firefighting and environmental management capabilities for career and volunteer fire fighters and environmental management professionals. The department is tightly linked to other environmental protection agencies and emergency service providers throughout Victoria.
Bluegem was able to satisfy more than 80% of the department’s TMS business requirements out of the box. The remaining 20% required customisation and web services which were scoped in consultation with the client’s project team. Bluegem then presented a costed project plan to design, develop and test the custom modules. The project plan included an Agile development approach, in which the client’s project teams were invited to participate in daily screen-sharing online meetings to review and contribute to the design process.
Data migration and web services were completed to transfer data from the old student management system and integrate with various internal business systems including the Incident and Response Management system used for managing emergency response services throughout regions and districts in Victoria.
All requirements were delivered by September 2014, within the expected timeframe. Delivery of the system was followed by User Acceptance testing and finally deployment to the new production server environment.