The client is an Registered Training Organisation (RTO) delivering industry entry point and specialist training to agencies and individuals across multiple states. In order to deliver Security Officer and a necessary Online Training Course, the organisation required a complex yet user friendly TMS.
- Finding a stable Training Management System that included eLearning functionality
- Managing large amounts of administration
- Flexible learning to include: face to face, blended, distance as well as eLearning
- SCORM compliant LMS essential
- Compulsory AVETMISS & AQTF compliant reporting
- The ability to allow the trainers to work anywhere and anytime
- BluegemEXPLORE TMS|LMS provided all business requirements in one system
- Industry expertise and support
- User friendly and efficient administration tools, scheduling and resource planning
- Met all the reporting requirements for AQTF and AVETMISS for all states
- SCORM and non SCORM compliant eLearning functionality fully integrated