Bluegem Blog - Student & Training Management Software

Should an AVETMISS Student Management System include Online Learning?

Written by Bruno Cozzi | 03/09/2019

Online training and assessment is used extensively in the corporate training environment, e.g. by Enterprise RTOs. But less so among Private, fee-for-service RTOs. Why is that?

The answer most likely is 'no financial benefit'. As the business owner of a small private RTO you might reasonably argue that you can make more money and better use of your people and resources by offering face-to-face training. You could also argue that the quality of face-to-face training and assessment far exceeds online training. That too, is probably true in most cases.

Enterprise RTOs and corporate training environments derive their primary revenue from sources other than training and assessment. In fact, training is generally treated as a cost to the business. Online training offers significant benefits because employees can allocate training to convenient time-slots, its cost effective and repeatable with auto-tracked results.

However if you're a fee-for-service RTO there are several very good reasons you should take another look at cost-effective online learning, particularly if it is also AVETMISS compliant and can be integrated with with your face to face programs.

1. Extend your global reach

As an RTO you most probably have significant expertise in your specialist area. Does it make sense to limit your reach to only your physical locality. How many people worldwide could benefit from your training and expertise. It doesn't have to be nationally accredited training. Putting your courses online in a way that protects your IP could give your business a huge passive income stream, particularly if your expertise is in a field that has global relevance and attraction.

2. Pre and Post Course Work

Learners who are about to embark on a program of study are often required to prepare using content that they are expected to read and prepare in their own time prior to starting the course.

Compared to the unstructured process of sending out email attachments and hoping that each learner has read and understood the subject matter, a SCORM course will enable you to verify attendance and engagement. Perhaps more importantly, online learning provides the opportunity for an interactive, multi-media and immersive experience which is likely to  result in better learning outcomes compared to reading PDF attachments.

At the other end of the cycle, learners who have recently been assessed may need to complete a Verification of Competency (VoC) before they are allowed to perform in the role. Again an online experience combined with practical observation provides a convenient, engaging and trackable process.

3. Internal Workforce Training and Assessment

As an RTO you know better than anyone the value of effective training and assessment. As part of your SRTO 2015 commitments you will have a continuous improvement process in place including ensuring your staff have the necessary training and experience to perform in their roles.

Having a library of internal online courses and assessments gives your organisation an efficient and convenient way to provide training and assessment, enrol students into them and manage results in an auditable and reportable framework.

There are organisation that provide online course libraries that cover areas like: leadership, front-line management, occupational health and safety, customer service and many areas commonly required in an organisation. Content libraries save you the cost of having to build your own content for common workforce courses.

4. Non-English Language and Culture Variants

One of the benefits of online learning is that courses can be delivered in multiple languages using variants and versions. Putting the Australian nationally accredited training aspects aside, your expertise could be delivered across multiple countries in their native language.

What would your revenue stream look like if you could sell your training courses in China and India?

There are web-based organisations that offer cost effective language and culture translations using automation tools with post editing by native speakers n those languages you want to target. You will. of course need to look at contracts and technology that protect your IP.

5. Professional Development (PD) Service

Are you currently able to offer your corporate customers professional development (PD) courses and activities? The solution includes:

  • Online course libraries - A library of online Professional Development (PD) Courses and quizzes
  • Corporate Customer Portal - Gives access to employers to plan and track employee training and PD
  • PD Events Manager - Allocates approved events activities that lead to PD points and 'currency'

These tools combine to allow you to offer your corporate clients a vital service. PD is a complex but critical area of workforce development that many organisation grapple with. You could offer your LMS to host deliver and manage their entire PD program.

Large organisations would kill to have an RTO who could manage their PD / Currency obligations.

The Whole Story

Online learning is a new and exciting platform heavily under-utilised in fee-for-service adult training and education. Traditionally, private RTO's have avoided online training and assessment. Online courses were seen as competing with the traditional training environment or inferior to traditional learning or both. Times have changed, online learning can easily sit side by side in blended learning environments, that can be highly engaging with Gamification, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. But perhaps the most important advantage is the opportunity to access new markets using your existing material and expertise.

If this is of interest to you, the next step is to identify AVETMISS compliant learning and student management systems that facilitate the blended environment. A system that compliments your business plans and strategies is key to your success.

Learn how Bluegem LMS can satisfy your needs for a cost effective integrated learning management solution.