Bluegem Blog - Student & Training Management Software

AVETMISS 7.0 – Why Do We Need a National Approach?

Written by Bruno Cozzi | 21/06/2013

Much has been said about the potential problems and concerns that RTOs face in the near future with regard to the new AVETMISS 7.0 National Reporting specification. Many of you were happy, or at least ‘accepting’, of the state-based reporting system the way it is. You’ve just survived an expensive and time-consuming round of major changes with the introduction of ASQA, SNR and the National Vet Regulator (NVR). So why do we now need a new National AVETMISS standard and why do we need yet more changes? And most importantly what do I, as a small RTO, stand to gain when I operate in only one state and have no plans to ever expand to other states. You could be forgiven for thinking that all the benefits lie with NCVER and the federal government. After all the government will find it:

1.    Easier to obtain a National picture of training across Australia.

2.    Easier to manage and track funding.

3.    Obtain consistency across all training and education in Australia.

4.    Reduce admin overheads and costs.

5.    More efficient to distribute funds and resources.

So how does all that help you as the RTO?

Well nothing is guaranteed, but in principle it could potentiallybring you:

1.    Improved access to funding

2.    An increased funding budget since less spent on administration

3.    Streamlined and faster processing of claims

4.    Better management of contracts

5.    Central registration of students

Unique Student Identifier

The last point is really important. The USI alone means that you won’t have to waste all those precious admin hours following up student identification and processing countless enrolment details. As the vendor of Australia’s most holistic Student Management System (SMS) we hear you when you tell us that student identification and enrolment application processing is where you spend the bulk of your admin time. Imagine if the National VET Regulator could take that burden off your hands and leave you free to deliver and administer actual training. USI is probably the most beneficial change in the National standards and will undoubtedly save you time and effort. So as with so many things in business we can look at this as short term pain for long term gain.

But what about that short term pain?

Why should you be made to suffer any pain? The truth is you shouldn’t. As vendors of a complete and comprehensive SMS we can take the pain away and work with the government and the National Centre for Vocational Education Research(NCVER) on your behalf. Yes we can understand why the future might look daunting and confusing when standing in your shoes, but seriously, our job is to protect you from those impacts by providing a complete and professional product and service that you can rely on to be compliant, no matter what the Department of Training and Workforce Development (DTWD), NCVER, and the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) throw at you. There are 5 key services we can bring to the party to help you manage a smooth and painless transition:

1.    We give you a product that is guaranteed to be compliant at any stage of the transition with minimal effort on your part. Any new data entry or form requirements on your part are clearly labelled, identified and prompted to eliminate guesswork and uncertainty.

2.    We work with NCVER and Government to ensure that all changes and amendments to the AVETMISS standards are maintained throughout the life of your SMS.

3.    We provide you with accurate and easy-to-use tools that ensure your files are error free prior to lodgement ensuring that you get paid the right amount with minimal delays.

4.    We implement the governments approved systems for developing and testing the USI interface to ensure that you get the greatest benefits that the new standards have to offer, e.g. greatly reduced administration effort during student enrolment.

5.    You can rely on Bluegem’s expert support and help desk to immediately handle any compliance, implementation and transition concerns you may have in adapting to the new requirements.

We’re here to Help

To find out more about how Bluegem can support and assist you with documentation, videos, tools, products, and support services while you navigate this sea of change call us for a friendly obligation-free chat or visit our website at: /